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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Podcorn

David Kierzkowski avatar
Written by David Kierzkowski
Updated over a week ago

How It Works

Q: What is Podcorn?

Podcorn is a dynamic marketplace that connects brands with the perfect podcasters for authentic, native sponsorships. We simplify the process for both sides, empowering podcasters to monetize their content while helping brands reach engaged audiences through compelling audio storytelling.

Q: Does it cost anything to use Podcorn?

No, Podcorn is completely free for podcasters! You won't pay a dime to sign up, browse sponsorship opportunities, or submit proposals. 

Q: Do I need to have an active podcast with an RSS feed to sign up and look at opportunities on Podcorn?

Yes, you will need to have an active podcast with an RSS feed URL to sign up and begin browsing opportunities. If you aren't sure what your show's RSS feed URL is, you can search for it here.

Q: How does Podcorn make money?

We charge a 10% fee on completed sponsorships to support our work in providing you with opportunities and maintaining a secure, easy-to-use platform for brand collaboration. This helps us offer more resources and opportunities for you!

Want to ensure you receive your desired payment after our fee? Consider adding a 10% buffer to your proposal price.

Q: I have multiple shows or a podcast network. Can I manage multiple podcasts from one Podcorn account?

Yes, you can manage multiple shows or a network from a single Podcorn account. Check out the instructions in our help center.

Q: My show is new and I don't have many listeners yet. Can I still use Podcorn?

Podcorn is open to podcasters at all levels. However, if you’re new to podcasting or have a small audience (fewer than a few hundred listeners or downloads per episode), it might be more beneficial to focus on producing more episodes and growing your audience first. You can always return to Podcorn and seek sponsorships once your audience has grown.


Campaigns / Proposals

Q: Does it cost anything to send proposals?

It doesn’t cost anything to send proposals, and there’s no limit to how many you can send.

For best results, we recommend tailoring each proposal to the specific opportunity and only sending proposals to brands that align well with your show and audience. Avoid copying and pasting generic proposals or sending them to every opportunity.

Q: Can you help me get a sponsor?

While we can't guarantee a specific sponsor match, we encourage you to reach out to brands you love. Think your podcast would be a perfect fit for a particular company? Let them know about Podcorn! We'll happily guide them through the process of setting up their first campaign, so you can start collaborating. 

Q: How long will it take for my proposal to be reviewed and approved or rejected after I send it?

We don’t require brands to approve or reject proposals, which means you might not always get a response. We understand that waiting can be frustrating. If you haven’t heard back from a brand within a reasonable timeframe, don’t hesitate to explore other opportunities.

Want to boost your proposal success rate? Check out our proposal best practices guide for tips on crafting winning proposals.

Q: Can I see or edit a proposal I've sent?

Yes, you can view and edit your proposal after it has been submitted, if you need to.

Just go to Sponsorships > Proposals Sent > Edit Proposal.

Q: I'm not getting hired or hearing back. Am I doing something wrong?

We understand it can be tough finding the perfect sponsor. Don't give up! Building strong partnerships takes time. Keep creating great content and exploring new opportunities.

Here are a few tips that might help:

  • The best proposals make a connection between the podcast and the brand. If you have an upcoming episode that aligns well with the brand, mention it in your proposal and explain how you'll feature the brand, such as by discussing a specific product benefit or feature.

  • Explain why you're the perfect fit to promote the brand. Share personal experiences or reasons why you believe your listeners will appreciate the product. 

  • Consider recording an audio proposal in addition to your written one. This can help the brand connect with you personally and increase their interest in working together.

  • Consider offering multiple sponsorships for the price of one to give brands an extra incentive to establish an initial relationship. This is also a way you can help your proposal stand out.

By following these suggestions, you can create more compelling proposals and increase your chances of securing sponsorships.

Q: I manage a network, can I get hired for a campaign for my whole network instead of just a single show?

Currently, Podcorn is primarily set up to help individual shows find sponsorship opportunities. However, if you provide us with a list of your network's shows, including the average number of downloads per episode over a 30-day period, demographic information (such as age and gender), and each show's category, we'd be happy to pass along that information to our campaigns team who works to connect sponsors with shows that align well with their campaigns. 

Q: Would you be interested in sponsoring my show?

We currently focus on matching podcasters and brands through our platform. While we don't sponsor shows directly, we encourage you to explore sponsorship opportunities on Podcorn. Create a free account, browse campaigns, and submit proposals. You might just find your perfect match!

Q: I accidentally hid a campaign, is there a way I can restore it so I can submit a proposal to the campaign?

We're currently working on a feature to allow you to restore any campaign opportunities you’ve hidden. Until then, please be mindful when hiding opportunities in your dashboard! 

Q: Do I have to finish a proposal after it's been approved?

You are not legally required to complete work for any proposals you’ve had approved. However, we strongly recommend doing your best to finish any campaign you're approved for, as backing out or not completing the work can create a poor experience for the brand that hired you.

We want to ensure everyone has a positive experience with Podcorn, and we appreciate your help in achieving this. If you encounter any issues or have a poor experience, please let us know! We’ll do our best to assist you.


Money / Getting Paid

Q: How do I get paid?

Brands are required to pay for the sponsorship upfront when they decide to hire you. We hold the funds securely in escrow throughout the campaign and release them as soon as the brand approves the content you’ll be publishing on your show.

You can choose to receive payments through either Stripe or PayPal. Simply set up your preferred payment method in the Settings > Payout Method section of your Podcorn dashboard.

We charge a 10% fee on completed sponsorships to support our work in providing you with opportunities and maintaining a secure, easy-to-use platform for brand collaboration. This helps us offer more resources and opportunities for you!

Want to ensure you receive your desired payment after our fee? Consider adding a 10% buffer to your proposal price.

Q: Do I have to connect my payment accounts before I can start working with brands?

While we recommend setting up your payments account right away, you can choose to connect Stripe or PayPal after you’ve been hired for a campaign if you prefer.

Don’t worry, we’ll hold onto your earnings until your payment account is set up. Once you connect your payment account, your funds will be transferred automatically.

Q: How long does it take the money to be transferred into my payments account?

Once the brand approves the content submission for the campaign, the funds will be transferred to your payments account (assuming you've set one up). 


Ad / Content Types

Q: What type of ads or sponsored content can I create for my episodes?

Here are the types of ads or sponsored content that brands can ask for: 

Host-read sponsorships:

15 – 90 second ad spots read in your own voice, making them more engaging and less disruptive for listeners than traditional commercials. The goal is to authentically and genuinely integrate a brand, product, or service into your episode.

Pre-roll ad:

Usually, a 15 – 30 ad at the beginning of the podcast episode.

Mid-roll ad:

Usually, a 60 – 90 ad towards the middle of the podcast episode when the listeners are already engaged.

Post-roll ad:

15 – 30 seconds at the end of the podcast. 

Native sponsorships align with the content or topic of your episode, making them more authentic for brands and engaging for listeners.

A guest interview is when you bring on a friend, influencer, celebrity, fellow podcaster, or another relevant person to interview on your show.

A creative integration seamlessly integrates a brand, product, or service into the natural flow of a podcast episode, making it engaging and relevant to the audience. It's more than just a mention; it's a natural fit that enhances the listening experience.

A topical discussion involves the host exploring a specific subject or theme relevant to the brand, product, or service. This allows for a more in-depth conversation and can provide valuable insights to the audience. For example, a show could feature a discussion on green energy or the benefits of electric vehicles in an episode sponsored by Tesla.

In a review, the host reviews a product during an episode and discusses their experience with their audience.

A giveaway & contest is when a brand, product, or service wants to share promotional codes, products, and freebies with the host’s engaged listeners.

A Roundtable Panel is a group discussion where a podcaster and expert guests debate and educate on a chosen topic related to the brand's industry and include a brand in the discussion.

Q: Can I improvise in an ad read?

Many brands or sponsors are fine with improvisation in an ad read and prefer a natural and authentic delivery rather than a scripted one.

However, some brands may provide a script or exact message that they’d like you to read. It’s best to discuss this with each brand or sponsor if their campaign details don’t specify their preference.

Q: Can I include more than one pre or mid-roll in each episode?

Currently, you can only include one of each ad type per episode. However, we will soon roll out an update that allows you to include up to three pre-roll or mid-roll ads per episode. Stay tuned for this upcoming update!


Podcorn Analytics Prefix

Q: What is the Podcorn analytics prefix?

The Podcast analytics prefix is a short URL prefix ( ) that can be added to your show's episode audio file URLs through most podcast hosting providers. It allows our system to keep track of how many download requests are being sent to your episodes.

Q: Can I still use Podcorn if my podcast host or hosting setup doesn't support the Podcorn analytics prefix?

Yes, as long as you can provide episode download data via screenshots, that will be sufficient for most sponsors.

If your current podcast hosting platform or setup does not provide any analytics for your podcast, we'd recommend moving your show to a hosting platform that does. You can see a list of Apple's recommended podcast hosting platforms here.

We have also developed a new feature that allows for manual stats upload. Check out the instructions in our help center.

Q: How can I be sure I set up the Podcorn Prefix correctly?

Go to the Settings page in your Podcorn dashboard and click on the Connect My Stats tab. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a green message that says Connected.

Please note: It may take up to 24 hours for your dashboard to update after you've set up the Podcorn analytics prefix. 

Q: The number of listens in my Podcorn account is higher than the number of listens or downloads in my podcast hosting platform. Why is that?

This has to do with how download requests are filtered and reported. Without getting into too much detail, if your podcast host is currently IAB compliant or certified, they are filtering out some of the download requests made to your episodes to meet the podcast measurement guidelines created by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (the IAB).

Podcorn is currently working on getting IAB certification to ensure the most accurate analytics reporting possible, but in the meantime, we recommend referring to and reporting your hosting platform's download numbers when talking to sponsors or potential sponsors about your show.

Q: Which podcast hosting platforms are IAB-certified?

To see a current list of podcast hosting platforms that are IAB certified, visit

Q: What is the difference between IAB compliance and IAB certification?

IAB compliant means that the podcast hosting platform follows IAB's measurement guidelines for podcast analytics measurement and reporting.

IAB-certified means that the host has been through a third-party review to ensure that their system exactly meets IAB's measurement guidelines. Certification is widely considered to be the better of the two. 


Managing a Podcorn Account

Q: Can I delete my account anytime?

We understand you might be considering moving on from Podcorn. While we'd be sad to see you go, we completely respect your decision.

Here are your options:

  • Delete your account: If you're sure you don't plan to use Podcorn again, our friendly support team can quickly delete your account for you. Just send an email to and they'll handle it.

  • Keep your account open: Who knows, you might want to explore new podcasting opportunities down the road! Leaving your account open lets you browse features and stay in the loop if anything catches your eye.

Q: How do I update and change the RSS feed URL for my show in Podcorn?

If you move your show to a new podcast hosting platform or need to change the RSS feed URL for your show for any other reason, please let our support team know by sending an email to Please include the name of your show and your show's new RSS feed URL.  


Still have questions or need a hand with anything? Our friendly support team at is always happy to help! Whether it's about exploring features, or anything else podcast-related, don't hesitate to reach out.

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