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Tips to Help You Land Your First Podcast Sponsor
Tips to Help You Land Your First Podcast Sponsor

Key Elements to Include in Your Proposal

David Kierzkowski avatar
Written by David Kierzkowski
Updated over a week ago

When you've found a sponsor you're excited to work with, click Send Proposal to start connecting with the brand.

Select your content type, set your price, and choose a publishing date.

First, choose the type of content you want to create for (or with) the brand. Then, set your price and select the desired publishing date.

Native sponsorships align with your episode’s content or topic, making them more authentic for brands and engaging for listeners.

Native host-read ads are much more engaging and less disruptive for listeners than traditional ad inserts. Note that you can be hired up to three times for each host-read ad format (e.g., Mid-Roll or Pre-Roll).

Need help with pricing? Check out our Pricing Tips & FAQ

Next, craft your perfect pitch! Write a compelling message directly to the brand, highlighting why your podcast is the perfect fit for their product or service.

Sponsorship Proposal Details: What to include in your message to the sponsor

1. Introduce Your Show and Audience

Think of your proposal like a cover letter for your resume. A great way to start is by introducing yourself, your show, and the type of content you plan to create for the sponsor.

Most sponsors appreciate creativity and passion, so investing effort into your proposal can help you stand out. Make it as easy as possible for them to say 'yes' to your offer.

Podcorn makes it easy for you to submit an audio proposal. Use this opportunity to create a sample ad for the potential sponsor, demonstrating that you’re already thinking about the integration and are serious about working with them.

2. Share a compelling reason for why you want to promote this sponsor

  • What makes your show and audience a great fit for this sponsor?

  • What kind of content will you create for the campaign to help the sponsor achieve their goals?

  • Why do you think this opportunity is a great fit?

The more details that you can provide, the better!

Convince the brand you're the perfect match! Highlight what makes your podcast a great fit. Mention upcoming episodes related to their product, explain how your audience aligns with their target market, or share your enthusiasm for their brand. This will help you stand out from the crowd.

3. Share Info and Screenshots of your show's downloads, listening data, and demographic information

One of the main benefits of partnerships for sponsors is reaching your dedicated listeners. Being transparent about your show's analytics helps sponsors understand your audience and its size.

Even if you're just starting and don't have a large audience yet, transparency is valuable. Sponsors often look for consistency in show production and efforts to grow your audience.

Share screenshots of your show’s analytics and download data to show your growth and ongoing efforts. You can manually submit these analytics and relevant screenshots through the proposal form.

If you can't install the Podcorn prefix for automatic tracking, manually submit your numbers with a screenshot by going to Settings, then Manage Podcasts, and selecting Upload My Stats.

For example, here are some screenshots of my show’s analytics that I would share with sponsors to show my audience size and reach.

Recent Episode Downloads Within 30 Days Of Release: This shows sponsors how many downloads your new episodes receive shortly after they’re released.

Unique Listeners, All Time: This graph shows the number of unique listeners my show has on a monthly basis.

First 7 Days Since Release. This graph shows the number of downloads my 5 most recent episodes received within the first 7 days after their release.

Where to Find Audience Demographic Information

Many sponsors also want to see demographic information about your audience, such as age and gender, to ensure they’re reaching their target audience.

You can obtain this data from Spotify through their web portal, as well as from most social media platforms, including your podcast’s Instagram account or Facebook page.

We hope these tips help you craft winning proposals!

Ready to dive deeper? Check out these resources for more sponsorship insights:

Let's turn those proposals into partnerships!

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